Whether you are resident, non-resident or an investor, the French legislations stipulates certain criteria which must be respected. Please discuss this point with your advisor.
A loan must be reimbursed. We ask you please check your ability to reimburse before making the request.
Spread Out Your Expenses
New sofa, flat-screen TV, a weekend getaway… some expenses are just too much for a one-off payment.
To spread out your expenses over several months, Crédit Mutuel proposes the “Étalis” service or “Crédit à la Consommation”, the standard consumer credit.
Buying A Car
When you change a car it’s never a negligible expense. In fact, it’s better to get a credit to preserve your savings in the event of unexpected happenings. Our car loans are tailored to make financing your car an affordable move.
By choosing “Tout Auto” you combine our car loan and your insurance. As a result, you get a better rate on your credit.
Financing A Real-Estate Purchase
You’ve found your dream-house? To finance it under the best conditions, you could combine your personal savings with “Prêts Épargne Logement” (loan at a better rate) obtained from your PEL and/or CEL.
Financing A Real-Estate Purchase
The “Prêts Épargne Logement”, the “Passeport Crédit” or “Plan 4”, our credit card, and “carte 3F”, which spreads your spendings in 3 installments, let you finance any renovation required for your home interior and exterior.
The specific real-estate loans including Crédit Mutuel's “Prêt Économies d’Énergie”, associated with the government’s “Éco Prêt à Taux Zéro” allow you to finance at a lower rate the purchasing and installation of any equipment pertaining to renewable energies.
Passeport Crédit
Sometimes you must have a credit reserve just at the right time to take advantage of that great deal!
Thanks to the Passeport Crédit renewable credit, you know today what you can spend tomorrow on your car (or other) project.